_BLOG POST Cover (9) (1)

Your time is now!

We’re so elated with the news of restrictions lifting from 11:59pm tonight and we’re very happy to let you know that, in line with the State Government’s most recent announcement on the easing of COVID restrictions, the following changes will come into effect at our clinic from tomorrow morning, 22nd October.

Routine, in addition to essential and urgent care, appointments will be available for all our services.

  • Osteopathy open without restriction
  • Podiatry open without restriction
  • Myotherapy and Remedial Massage services will resume without restriction
  • 1:1 and Group Clinical Pilates Classes will recommence without restriction.

This means all our services are back up and running without restriction.

It’s time to plan your health outings again and catch up with your practitioners that you haven’t had the chance to see. Goodness knows we miss you! All of our practitioners and staff are fully vaccinated. We are taking every precaution, developing and updating all policies and procedures relating to a potential exposure, current cleaning and sanitation guidelines, PPE and Government advice. We will do everything in our power to keep our clinic open, following our Covid Safe policy, so that we remain available to help you whilst community transmission inevitably increases.


We no longer require you to wait in your cars. We do ask for your cooperation with our Covid screening questionnaire (sent via confirmation text before your appointment), QR codeshand sanitisationphysical distancing and mask wearing inside our clinic at all times.

Gosh, it’s great to be back doing what we love. We’re here to give you the absolute best allied health care experience you can have whilst also keeping all our staff and patients safe. If you’re displaying any symptoms please put off your visit to another time and we’ll be right here waiting for you when you’re feeling better. We can’t wait to see you soon.


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the clinic on 9437 6268.


We’ll help keep your Health Connected.

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